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Project Proposal
Prepared for:
Law Enforcement and Legal
Berkley Legal Ashworth Medicine idea concept for
programming and software required access to visual
The collaboration between Adecco and Legal Entities
and Berkley Legal Ashworth Medicine
Prepared by : gary skeete
October 4, 2015
The distinction of utilizing a display technique visualization on the iPad iPhone computer display widescreen TV
display console of wall units the application of utilization of pre determinations predictions for asking evaluations
examinations for the construct off production of analysis I'm display to compute the correct sequence of events to
happening daily live and predictive
Today I applied for a technical writer job legal technical writing at Adecco and ended up applying for business
analyst position in Toronto this job covers the aspects of what I would need to do to complete this project
successfully as I am disabled I'm unable to travel and would have to work online from
Please give me the chance to successfully implement my technologies into the realm of law-enforcement and
Legal preventative measures for riots crowd control manhunts searches whereabouts missing persons weapons
details of car chase racing
reckless driving drunk driving details of kidnappings murders of analysis of search and
rescue as well as overall scanning capability of sc
ope DNA tracing tracking recognition mathematical analysis and
geometric design implementation calibration of physics for mechanical and other stresses pressure and design of
quantum cryptography biological manifestations viruses contaminants projectile from sneeze or cough spit or
vomit consistency analysis for drug alcohol or illness sample analysis through miniaturized teleportation in quantum
state of particle and transfer of needed change for riot control administering an agent that is safe for inducing sleep
or lack of movement to quell otherwise volatile situations.
The administration of proper scans and in depth identifi cation of individuals including metal scans projectiles
thrown or shot and analysis of stressors mentally the mood pa tern of thought and speech pattern emotional state
and adrenal activity analysis of protestors physical fi tness and overall characteristics of stress and escalation name
and photo AKA last known address frequents whereabouts charges designation witnesses leads evidence
predictive analysis predictions of daily habits medical history medications diagnosis addictions DNA analysis
search infrared heat detection X-ray sonar metal detection amplifi cation of sound remotely provision of oxygen
trough quantum teleportation scans of rooms and blood and fluid analysis in viva in vitro and capabilities of
holographic implementations of keyboards signs directives internally and externally to a specifi c body and
resuscitation techniques applied to help a situation described in Facebook at Berkley Legal page.
Berkley Legal Ashworth Medicine idea concept for
programming and software required access to visual
I would like to program the mathematical physics biology and chemical analysis in a holographic quantum
cryptography collection of evidence related to the software
Predictive Area Projection Analysis